This here is the very kind of getup that so inspired me about Harajuku in the first place. It’s what the district was originally known for, and in my humble opinion, is where its true glory is found. Every day people, not famous models, fashion designers, musicians etc., concocting real life visions of dreams that dance in their heads. This particular every day person is a nurse named Kita. I learned about him where I get my favorite Harajuku street fashion info from (Tokyofashion.com). His wearing a visage of the late and great (more like genius) Heath Ledger as The Joker, reminds me of that famous phrase: “Why so serious?” And I hope I am forgiven by taking it out of context, but I love that this quote reminds me that fashion and style is and should always remain fun, creative, and real, expressing truthfully self, mood, emotion. A well-dressed, fashion forward icon in the streets is a dime a dozen. I want to be more like Kita — unashamedly myself, unafraid to don whatever the hell I want. I’m not there yet by any means, but gosh I want to be and will fight to be. Fashion is art. So, to pose the question again, Why so serious?
Photo and info via Tokyofashion.com