An eyeliner that is in the shape of a feather quill? My Harry-Potter-loving heart says yes. Gimme now, plz. I swiftly purchased the one in black and couldn’t wait to start attempting a perfection of my winged eye look (Is it actually possible to get a perfect winged eyeliner? I’m asking for a friend).
What I love about this eyeliner is the brush. It is so amazing and gives me a shocking amount of control. I have always been a felt eyeliner pen girl because I thought it probably the most controlled option, but this little guy proved me wrong.
I also love the handy dandy cushion which is soaked with the eyeliner liquid itself. Just dip the brush into the cushion and whammo! You’re ready to wing it!
Unfortunately, for all that is going for it thus far, I found the formula to be a bit more dull/less tinted. I love a bold, dark liner for my winged looks. And the lack of darkness to this liner means I have to go back over it a few times, which as we all know, can be problematic as it’s hard getting those defined lines in the first place. Tracing back over them again to achieve a stronger color? No thanks, I’ll pass.
Cute Factor10
Easy to use
Eyeliner not dark enough/a little see-through
Cost doesn't = quality
This liner is so cute!