There is something so fascinating about Japan’s lack of trepidation over whether they appear in style as grown up or not. Playful characters disperse themselves all over their society in the form of mascots, idols, good luck charms and the like. Little wearables like this teddy bear purse are quite common, as are similarly styled coffee cups, tissue packages, super market signs etc.
I love this idea of a society that can embrace innocence and fun no matter the age. I also love the idea of a society that doesn’t think twice about playing dress up on a daily basis. Japan appears to do both so well. And while I know there is no perfect place, at least I find this trait delightful to behold, and a true thing of envy.
I think that we can learn from them a more carefree approach to self-expression as well as observation of others. Allowing oneself and others around to be true and honest, having fun with things like fashion, I think could make our daily lives just a tiny bit better.
Check out more on this outfit and its wearer from the source of these fabulous pics, Tokyofashion.com