If you’ve read my “about me” page then you’ll know that I’m obsessed with Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday, thus my desire to pay such homage to it during the month of October. As we near the 31st I decided I wanted to take my outfits a little bit more toward the costume realm, but still opting for stylish and wearable elements.
This outfit is just that — minus the vampire fangs you can rock it anywhere, and yet with the fangs you’ve turned it into a more elevated costume look. Rather than the fun yet goofy-ish vampire garb sold at the local Halloween shop, it’s fun to play with homemade, polished looks. They have a way of looking more real and less kitschy. Something that plays into one of my great loves of Halloween as well as fashion.
Both Halloween costumes and personal fashion are about self-expression, as well as playing dress up. Every day that I put on an outfit, my first thought is, “What is my mood today?” If I’m channeling a Buffy the Vampire tough girl attitude I might don all black with some sexy heels and a gothic cross necklace. If I’m channeling a Twin Peaks agent Cooper with his positive outlook on life and deep connection to his spiritual self I might reach for plaid, some cute jeans and my Dr. Martens.
See, every day is like Halloween for me. I dress up as the character I am most relating to that day. Which is why my personal fashion tastes are really quite varied. I’m not the girl who is going to keep my aesthetic streamlined. Although it’s a nice thought and communicates well, my soul is far too restless to stick to one thing. My soul is also a bit of a wild creature, so trying to tame it into that streamlined way of thinking would be torturous for it.
While some people may never relate to the way I see the world and things like fashion, many I’m sure can. And though throughout my life I’ve felt insecure when misunderstood or judged, I’ve learned over time it feels way better to embrace my brain’s way of seeing things and to let my weird flag fly.
If you too feel sometimes like you’re on the outside looking in, know this: you aren’t alone! And I sure hope you too accept and love yourself for how you are. Wear what you want to wear, think how you thing, sing how you sing, dance how you dance. Show us your stuff, honey. We can’t wait to see you shine.