Look. At. This. Hair. I am so in love. Harajuku never bores and the delightful amount of diverse looks feels as though one is walking through a rainbow. Every time I look at Harajuku style I’m reminded of how safe I play it. But you know what? I’ve grown in my own personal style, getting braver and more expressive. Therefore, I know I can continue to grow in those ways. I think that is something that is really important to remember in terms of style. You have to grow in your styling skills, just like you do in your makeup skills, hair skills, singing skills, drawing skills, dancing skills, etc.
I’ve heard so many people compare themselves to others saying things like, “Wow, she just has a sense of style I’ll never have,” or ,”I don’t know how you put together these looks. I could never do that.” But hey! You can! You just have to learn how. Though some very few popped out of the womb with an insane sense of artistry and self awareness, the majority of us have to fine tune ourselves.
So, know you’re in good company my friends. I am learning how to get more courageous in my personal style too. One outfit at a time!
For more Harajuku inspiration check out the source of these magnificent pictures (along with further info about the outfits and the outfit wearers) at Tokyofashion.com!