I’m not the biggest fan of musical films. There! I said it! Man that feels good to get off my chest. It’s not that I entirely don’t like them. Some of my favorite childhood movies were musicals. But they just aren’t my favorite form of film. Live musicals? Acting and singing in musicals? Different story altogether. But if you give me a choice between a cheesy Reese Witherspoon romcom and the latest musical movie blockbuster I’ll most likely be in the mood for the romcom (to shame!).
So, the fact that The Umbrellas of Cherbourg is entirely sung (literally every single word is sung) was a teeny bit worrisome to me. I must be honest: within the first 20 minutes I was ready to give up, but I stuck it out and by the end I was in tears — the good kind.
I was so taken by surprise at this film’s quiet yet powerful themes. While I don’t want to give away the story, I will say it wasn’t what I expected. And by the end, the message I thought they would be speaking changed so secretively under the radar, I was left dumbstruck by a different message, a much more deep and moving message that got me thinking much about my own life and experiences.
If you love a great musical film and further, French atmosphere and vivid colors you’re going to adore this beauty as did I (after I got past my silly musical prejudices)!
Image via The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, directed by Jacques Demy