“You turkey!” is one of my dad’s go-to teasing phrases when someone is being a…well, turkey. Really I named this post as such because it’s the first thing I thought of when trying to think of a clever name for a Thanksgiving Day outfit, which is what I have here. I wish it were MY Thanksgiving Day outfit, but seeing as it’s a Dream Shopping post, it’s all about what I am jonesing for.
Though my family is far from perfect and comes with its own special drama, the truth is I really love them all. We are all so diverse, we could be the characters of some Wes Anderson film. There are the preppy, all-American people. The quirky, artistic people. The quiet ones that almost never talk, the loud ones that never stop talking. We have gay people, straight people, republicans, democrats, religious, non-religious, old, young.
As different as we all are from each other, I adore the whole lot.
This outfit is what I would wear if I could this Thanksgiving. It comes complete with elastic waist-banded pants for hiding the food baby that I will be inevitably creating with turkey and the like. Plus it’s cute for those family photos that I vote should never happen on this day (read: food baby). And it’s comfy enough for a little snooze on the couch while the sports people (I’m clearly not one of them which you can tell by my calling them “sports people”) watch their football game.
What is something you enjoy about Thanksgiving?