I’m a huge fan of advent calendars. Always have been. I think it’s this idea that every day leading up to Christmas, you have a little surprise waiting for you, that gets me.
But gone are the days that getting a tiny piece of chocolate in the shape of Santa are as exciting to me as it once was in my youth.
But guys. Guess what? They have adult advent calendars now. Like a bajillion of them. Anything from whiskey to socks, advents calendars sans cheap chocolate do exist!
You might already have been a consumer of said adult advents for some time now, but I’m freaking the crap out.
And this Lush 12 Days of Christmas advent is the thing of my dreams. Twelve unique holiday themed products for the 12 Days of Christmas??? Sign me up RIGHT NOW.
I’ve just opened it and everything looks positively divine, plus that signature Lush smell is emanating from it all in the most glorious way.
So here’s the deal. Rather than use up each piece at once to give you one whole review in this single post, I’m going to be reviewing each product (via my Instagram stories) for the twelve days leading up to and ending on Christmas Day. Though, technically the 12 Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day, I think it will be more fun doing it before.
So, starting tomorrow be sure to check my Instagram story for daily reviews of each of these products!
Now all I have to do is wait until tomorrow!