Sink or Swim

Josiah (my husband) and I hit up one of our fave spots in Dallas recently and I had just gotten my hair bleached, so some pics were in order.

My hair stylist suggested I start learning to braid so that I could save my über bleached hair the added damage of heat styling. These braids aren’t mine, but you can bet I’m trying to learn how to replicate them!

The lighting was bad, though, so we figured the pics would be pretty much unusable, yet when I started tinkering with them I found some fun edits that perked them right up! They aren’t perfect, and I know they look a bit different from my other photos, but I like them still.

Y’all, I’m no photo editor. I do my best, but yeesh this stuff is way outside my wheelhouse!

But hey that’s life right? Sink or swim, we find ourselves in situations, sometimes ones that can be helped, and some that can’t. But we can try our freaking hardest to swim in that dicey water anyway.

These Katy Perry ghost shoes are my new obsession. I also found some Christmas ones that I shared below!

I know me not knowing how the heck to edit photos is not that big of a deal, but it just reminded me today that living life to the fullest doesn’t look like perfection. It’s not absent of failures, without pain, nor does it look usually how we imagined it.

So, hey! You’re doing it! You’re here, you’re alive. And you don’t have to be perfect. That’s impossible anyway. So let’s both you and I sigh a sigh of relief. Let’s give ourselves a little pat on the back and maybe try to remember to not take ourselves too seriously in all of this.

Me? I’m going to keep stumbling my way through this photo editing, post writing, etc. that is blogging and I hope you continue to learn your way through stuff too.



Outfit Details

-Black T-shirt (similar option here): Madewell

-Black Skinny Jeans (here): Genetic Denim

-Black Bomber Jacket (similar option here): Vero Moda

-Ghost Shoes (here): Katy Perry



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