Low-key Athleisure Look

Low-key athleisure look

I love a good low-key athleisure look. Anything that makes me feel Like I’m getting away with wearing pjs in public is totally up my alley. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but this is why I will freaking milk this athleisure trend for all its worth. This Champion sweatshirt is so warm and perfect for throwing on for a chilly January day, and the Franco Sarto sneakers are giving me some Harajuku vibes. Plus, who doesn’t love velcro sneakers? It’s perfect for lazy people like me who are all about an easy outfit, and who also love a nod to childhood days.

Low-key athleisure look

When I first put this outfit together I was so pumped. I loved the whole combo and couldn’t wait to wear it. But then insecurity reared its ugly head. “Maybe I’m too old for this hair style,” I thought and “Maybe I’m too old for the sweatshirt.”

Low-key athleisure look

While I never had anticipated I’d feel insecure about growing older, I admit I do. I’m afraid the presence of lines on my face will render me un-attractive, and that the number of years I’ve lived will deem me irrelevant. I’m afraid I’ll suddenly be unable to sport trends, and that I’ll become uninteresting, and considered embarrassing. The list goes on. What is this stupid deal with age? Why do we care at all? Our society decides so flippantly such ridiculous terms by which we must live. Kids can’t be taken seriously, elderly can’t be listened to, 50 year olds can’t be sexy, 40 year olds can’t have kids, 20 year olds must know their life plans, 12 year olds can’t cry.

Low-key athleisure lookWhatever the preconceived ideas that individuals might carry around and project on others is really just a projection. In reality age rarely matters. What matters is the soul. I’ve met 80 year olds who have more energy and passion than 25 year olds. I’ve met 12 year olds with more wisdom than 55 year olds.

Low-key athleisure look

I know sometimes it’s scary, getting older. And on the flip side, it’s infuriating not being “old enough.” But I believe our lives are mostly dictated by our perceptions. If we look for the good we will find good, if we are grateful we will feel rich. If we are negative we will feel unpleasant, if we compare ourselves to others we will never feel satisfied. So, I think the same can be said for how we perceive ourselves in regard to age. If we tell ourselves we are ugly because of our wrinkles then we will feel so, no matter what. And if we tell ourselves we are irrelevant because of our years lived (whether too long or too short), we will miss out on sharing our gifts with this world.

Low-key athleisure look

So whether anyone thinks I’m too old for this outfit or not, does not matter. I’m going to choose to wear whatever I want whenever I want and I’m going to choose to be happy about it. It’s way more fun that way.


Outfit Details

-Sweatshirt (here) — Champion
-Boyfriend Jeans (similar option here) — Current/Eliott
-Sneakers (here) — Franco Sarto
-Backpack (here) — State

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  1. I love your outfit (I would wear it!!). I love your post, your amazing attitude, insight and soul!!! You are adorable in all ways!!! I’m learning from you!!!💕

    1. These words touch my heart! Thank you so much!!! Also you would look AMAZING in this outfit! I want to see you in it!

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