Dear PW,
I made your Breakfast in Bed for Mom spread! Wow that’s a mouthful. I love a giant meal, be it a Thanksgiving table, or a Christmas feast. Looking through menu after menu, and picture after picture of glorious tablescapes of delicious foods makes me drool. So, let’s just say your A Year of Holidays cookbook is equivalent to a playboy magazine for me. Is that a super crude thing to say? No comment.
I try to keep all my cookbook expectations low-ish since the idea that entire books could be filled to the brim with deliciousness piques my skepticism.
But, girl. GIRL. How do you do it? How are your recipes so nommy? How do I keep running up against deliciousness one page after the next??? The world may never know.
Everything was divine, but those scones were so, so good. Josiah thinks scones typically taste like something akin to sand. So the moistness of these babies blew him away! I made the cream scones, maple bacon scones and the lemon rosemary scones so I have a ton of scones. I froze them. Is that ok? I’ll try thawing one this weekend for a little treat and let you know how it turns out. I’ll just send you a quick text and say something like, “Hey, Ree Ree! Thawed scones good. You can tell Food Network. Also I’ll see you on Fourth of July! Tell MB to get a few extra fireworks for me!”
Just kidding, we don’t know each other. But if we DID this is the text you’d be getting.
Also the coffee granita? Psh! That stuff is like crack. And the yogurt, brown sugar and berry parfaits were a revelation. Now, salmon scrambled eggs didn’t seem like something I’d appreciate. But they surprised me with their goodness. I still don’t think salmon and eggs will ever be my first choice, but this is why I love this little cooking project of mine. I am getting introduced to so many new flavors and cooking techniques. All thanks to you!
To be truthful, this holiday is a hard one for me. Ever since I found out my insides were all jumbled up and that the idea of every carrying any children became a pipe dream (Add to that my experience with losing the only pregnancy I ever had), this whole holiday dedicated to mothers started making me think of sad things.
But I’m learning that perspective is key for getting through tough stuff. It’s ok and right and good to let yourself mourn. But it helps too to remember other things. For instance my fur babies and how lucky I am to have them in my life. And how blessed I am to have a BFF and soulmate in Josiah. And how I have a roof over my head and food on the table (and not just any food but a freaking incredibly delicious spread like this one). And last but not least, the hope and utter thrill of one day getting the honor of adopting some kiddos one day.
Speaking of adoption, this robe I’m wearing here belonged to my great grandmother. And you know what? She couldn’t have kids either. So she adopted my grandmother. It’s kind of cool that I can know she went through all these pains and sorrows too. And that she found herself truly grateful and happy in becoming a mother, though in a different way than she had planned, a no less marvelous and magical way. And I know she wouldn’t have had things go any other way. And you know what? I know I’ll feel the same way.
Love isn’t based on things like flesh and bone, but on heart and spirit. Now that there is real magic.
Until next time!
-Coffee Granita (pg. 164 A Year of Holidays)
-Perfect Cream Scones (pg. 166 A Year of Holidays)
-Lemon-Rosemary Scones (pg. 168 A Year of Holidays)
-Maple-Bacon Scones (pg. 171 A Year of Holidays)
-Salmon Scrambled Eggs (pg. 172 A Year of Holidays)
-Yogurt, Brown Sugar, and Berry Parfaits (pg. 174 A Year of Holidays)