If I’m going to be honest, the most probable Valentine’s outfit I’d reach for is this casual Valentine’s look. It’s just comfortable. And y’all I’m hardcore comfort-obsessed. I’m kind of worried about myself already. Like, how far am I from the medical shoes + elastic pants level? I don’t know. But I can totally understand why some ladies out there live their entire lives in slippers and a moo moo.
My poor, poor husband. We didn’t move in together until after our wedding, so while he knew I was the kind of girl comfortable enough with herself to go out in public in mis-matched sweats, he didn’t know just how much of my life is spent looking that way.
I roll out of bed, grab the nearest loungewear or stay in my current pjs and unless I have to leave my house that day, I stay this way until bed time. Sometimes I “spruce myself up” by getting out of my pjs and putting on fresh ones. It makes me feel like an adult.
And when I do leave the house, I relent to putting on actual clothing with buttons and zippers and laces etc. But as soon as I’m back home? I make a b-line for my loungewear again. Jeans??? In your own home??? I have one question: WHY
You think I’m joking, I’m not. There is zero exaggeration here. Ask Josiah.
So, while I might love my other two Valentine’s outfits more (and I do), this one allows me to wrap myself up all cozy-like and pretend I’m back home in my robe. And a robe to me is real love.
Nope. Scratch that. Josiah staying with me despite all of this is real love.
I’m a lucky girl.
Outfit Details
-Knot front top (here) — Lush (not to be confused with this Lush)
-Cardigan (similar option here) — B.P.
-Jeans (here) — Paige
-Embroidered booties (here) — Marc Fisher
-Leather bag (similar option here) — a Spanish flea market purchase given to me by my dad. It’s handmade apparently. Isn’t my dad so sweet?
Errmygod. Those shoes are everything! I love your unique details in this outfit.
xo Logan
Thank you, Logan!!!! 😀 XOXO