Thanks to the folks over at Tokyo Fashion, I got my Harajuku street fashion kicks upon seeing this photo of a girl named Miho. Everything from her hair color, makeup, and accessories,…

I Had a Bad Day
I had a bad day. Really, it was more like a bad week. I won’t get into details, but it was just one of those weeks that felt like a storm cloud…

Film Friday: Hour of the Wolf
I love a good horror film. My obsession with Halloween and all things spooky make me more apt to choose a good thriller over a romance movie any day. But there are…

Dream Shopping: Spaced Out
I’ve been perusing Copenhagen street style as of late and have totally fallen in love with some of the retro, colorful looks going on. I’ve mentioned before that I tend towards blacks…

Last Week in Harajuku: Print Mania
I have always been intimidated by print and bold color-mixing. So when I saw Taishin‘s outfit I was so in awe. I think most people have some sort of fashion insecurity. Maybe…

Comparison Sucks
We’ve all been there. Some person walks through the door of whatever establishment you find yourself in, and before two seconds have passed you’re comparing yourself to them. Who’s more attractive? Them…

Film Friday: The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Based on the novel by George V. Higgins, The Friends of Eddie Coyle is one of the more chilling of the crime film genre simply due to its realistic tone that it…

Contour is a Girls Best Friend by Velvet 59
You guys. I have something to confess: I’m not all that knowledgeable in makeup. Like, we’re talking very little knowledge at all. I’m learning! But the truth is I still feel like…

Last Week in Harajuku: Mad for Plaid
I remember my first plunge into plaid. I was in my pre-teens/early teens and I spent some hard-earned babysitting money on a plaid skirt from Walmart. Oh man I thought I was…

The Power of Gender Bender Fashion
I was insecure when first putting on this outfit. In truth I loved it, was inspired by it, but was afraid of being judged for wearing it. People can be so harsh…