Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? As far as this I’m Home solid perfume is concerned, I’m sort of on the fence. Like, I could take it, or I could leave…

Cooking with PW: Chipotle Salsa
Dear PW, The other day I made your Chipotle Salsa from your A Year of Holidays cookbook. I thought it would make a great snack to have ready at-hand and my thinking…

Winter Crop Top Look
I’m a huge fan of a winter crop top look, and this one is made up of some of my favorite pieces. The coat is the warmest coat I own, and therefore…

Revelations Bath Oil by Lush
A couple weeks ago I walked into my nearest Lush store to check out the newest of Lush’s inventions: bath oils. Upon first laying eyes on them I was, well, underwhelmed. “They’re…

Beret Look
This beret look is so fun. It makes me feel like I’m some kind of time traveling French girl. And who doesn’t want to be a time traveling French girl? I know…

Stitch Fix Review January 2018
After last month’s Stitch Fix shipment success I couldn’t wait to receive this one. And I’m going to start off by saying Stitch Fix came through again. My Stylist Paid Attention to…

Pleated Trousers Look
Who knew pleated trousers would come back with a bang? I sure didn’t, but I’m thrilled they did. These babies are comfy, cool, and they have that oversized look of which I’m…

Last Week in Harajuku: The Boldness of the Youth
Oh, young people. They really can be wonderful to be around, no? I mean of course they are all a pain in the ass at one time or another, but man! Their…

Film Friday: Twin Peaks Television Series
To say that the entire Twin Peaks series (the original first two seasons known as Twin Peaks, as well as the follow up series Twin Peaks the Return) is hands down the…

Snow Fairy Sparkle Jar by Lush
I have to confess that when I first ordered this Snow Fairy Sparkle Jar, I hadn’t really fully read the description. All I saw were the words “Snow Fairy,” (aka one of…